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DVB-T or DVB-C confi guration
Adding HDMI programs to the Modulator channels
You can choose which HDMI stream goes to which channel, directly in the table (MODULATION) in the
bottom section of the screen.
Before making this choice, the red “-“ signs are all active.
You add a program (HDMI stream) to a modulator channel by double clicking on the Red “-“ icon, which
now becomes a Green “+”
Please be aware that the activation of the modulator will take approx.. 12 seconds. You will notice the effect
as soon as the B.W. indicator starts working.
In the example below, stream A (Sat decoder) was activated onto channel 1. The video bitrate required for
the stream is fl uctuating (here 3988 Mb/s out of 31,668 Mb/s available is used up).
Since two Full-HD channels can use up to 12Mb/s each (24Mb/s combined), it is recommended to spread
the 4 service streams over the channels.
In the example below, two streams are charged on channel 1, one stream on channel 2, one on channel 3.
The available bitrate for each channel with this constellation combination is 31,668Mb/s.