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MFJ-1775C 40/20 Meter Dipole                                  Instruction Manual 

If you have followed the instructions and installed the antenna with about 
six inches of  the ends wrapped back on themselves, the resonant 
frequency on 40 Meters should be somewhere near the bottom of the 
band  (7 MHz). You can determine the resonant frequency of the antenna 
using an antenna analyzer or a transmitter and SWR bridge. The amount 
the 40-meter wires will need to be shortened to raise the resonant 
frequency a certain amount will depend on the type of installation (level, 
inverted vee, sloper) and on surrounding metal objects. A very rough 
rule of thumb is 3 to 6 inches per side for 100 kHz. When shortening the 
antenna, simply wrap more of the two wires back on themselves; do not 
cut them. 
On 20 Meters this antenna should cover the entire 14.0 to 14.350 MHz 
range with an SWR below 2:1. On 40 Meters, because it is a shortened 
antenna, the 2:1 bandwidth is less, 30 to 50 kHz. The usable range of the 
antenna on 40 Meters can be extended using an antenna tuner at the 




This antenna is constructed of heavy duty materials and should withstand 
normal climates for many years. General Electric makes a pure silicone 
grease called "

silicone dielectric compound

" that can be applied 



to the soldered connections at the antenna’s center insulator. 

This is the same type of sealer that commercial antenna installers and 
CATV companies use with great success. A less desirable but adequate 
sealer is the automobile seam sealer commonly marketed as "coax seal," 
a pliable black sealing compound. 


Technical Assistance 


If you have any problem with this unit first check the appropriate section 
of this manual.  If the manual does not reference your problem or your 
problem is not solved by reading  the manual you may call 


Technical Service



 or the 

MFJ Factory




You will be best helped if you have your unit, manual and all 
information on your station handy so you can answer any questions the 
technicians may ask. 
You can also send questions by mail to MFJ Enterprises, 300 Industrial 
Park Road, MS 39759; by FAX to 


; or by email to 

[email protected].  Send a complete description of your 
problem, an explanation of exactly how you are using your unit, and a 
complete description of your station. 

ABEL & PRO-FIT Centrum Radiokomunikacji




ul. Puszkina 80

92-516 £ódŸ


(+42) 649 28 28

(+42) 677 04 71

[email protected]

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