Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Meter and Lancing Device
Cleaning and disinfecting your meter and lancing device is important to prevent the spread of
infectious diseases . It is recommended that you clean and disinfect your meter and lancing device a
minimum of once per week . The meter and lancing device have a mean service life of 5 years, which
is 522 cleaning and 522 disinfection cycles (equivalent to cleaning and disinfecting once a week over
the 5-year service life of the meter and lancing device) .
Cleaning is the physical removal of organic soil from the meter and lancing device surfaces . By
keeping your meter and lancing device clean, you help ensure that it is working properly and that no
dirt gets in the device . Cleaning allows for successful, subsequent disinfection .
Disinfection is a process that destroys pathogens, such as viruses and other microorganisms on the
meter and lancing device surfaces . By disinfecting your meter and lancing device, you help ensure
that no infection is passed when you or others come in contact with your meter and lancing device .
Assemble cleaning and disinfecting supplies:
Dispatch® Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant Towels with Bleach EPA 56392-8 (available
online through major retailers) . These Disinfectant Towels contain a 0 .65% NaOCl
solution and have been shown to be safe for use with the meter and lancing device .
IMPORTANT: Do not place the meter or lancing device in water or other
liquids . Avoid getting dust, dirt, blood, control solution, water, or any other
substance in the meter's test strip port and USB port .
For cleaning, wipe the outside surfaces of the meter and the meter Home Button or
lancing device until they are visibly clean . Clean your meter or lancing device at least
once a week when visibly dirty . (See
Meter Specification
section .)
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