2TLC172188M0201, rev. H
4.14 Importing and exporting measurements
To move measurements between databases/computers and also to make security backups of measurements an
external database is used. The external database consists of three CSV files: Measurements.csv, Values.csv and
Conditions.csv. CSV files (Comma Separated Values files) are a standardized type of text file where the
information is separated by comma signs. These files can also be read by for instance Microsoft Excel.
The external database is reached from the start form by clicking on “Load” and then on ”Show Import/Export”. A
new field is displayed to the right in the form.
The left field (Smart database) shows Smarts database, and the right field (External data) shows the external
database which consists of the CSV files.
To export measurements from Smarts database to the external database, you select the measurements you want
to export in Smarts database and click on the button ”Export”. The measurements are then copied to the external
The three CSV files (Measurements.csv, Values.csv and Conditions.csv) can now be copied or moved to another
computer and placed in the folder where Smart Manager was installed. Please note that you need all three files for
the import/export to work properly. When you open the import/export function in Smart manager the measurements
should be visible in the external database.
To import the measurements to Smarts database you select the measurements from the external database and
click on the button “Import”. The measurements are then copied to Smarts database.
Measurements in the external database can be removed by selecting a measurement in the external database and
click on the button ”Delete selected measurement” under the right field displaying the external database.