2TLC172188M0201, rev. H
4.10 Calculating stop time and safety distance
To calculate stop time and safety distance based on multiple measurements all measurements must first be saved
to the database (see chapter 4.12). After that you click on “Calculations” – “Stop time and safety distance” in the
menu of the graph form (see chapter 4.9). A form is shown where the information required for the calculations can
be entered.
Stop time
Information about the stop time calculation is shown in the left frame (Stop time).
With the button ”Select measurements” a form is shown where you can select which measurements to use in the
calculations. With the droplist ”Select stop distance for the calculations” one of the ways to calculate stop time is
selected. Information about the measurement can be entered in the textbox ”Measurement information”. The list to
the right displays the stop times of the selected measurements. If no measurements have been selected the stop
time of the current measurement is shown. Beneath the list the minimum, maximum, average and standard
deviation of the stop times in the list are displayed.
Safety distance
The right frame (Safety distance) holds the information about the safety distance. By entering the values of the
variables in the formula, the minimum allowed safety distance can be calculated.
The button “?” displays information about the formula used to calculate the minimum allowed safety distance.
Which of the calculated stop times that should be used is selected in the drop list “Used T”. In the textboxes below
the values of the variables K, T and C are entered. By clicking the button “Calculate safety distance” the minimum
allowed safety distance is calculated and displayed in the textbox below the button.
The button “Save” saves the selected stop times and safety distance calculations to the measurement in the
database. The button “Close” closes the form.