Module related
The programming examples and selections above
have all been channel specific which means that
the parameters are selected individually for each
channel. The function which will be described
in the following section is annunciator specific,
which means that the selected function con-
cerns the whole annunciator unit.
Selection of mode
of operation for the
reflash output relays
The LED marked OUTPUT is called up with
the parameter selector push-button
and the
first two digits from the left of the display are
activated with the cursor control push-button
. The blinking digits indicate, as listed below,
which reflash group is being programmed at the
moment, i.e.:
01 = output reflash group 1
02 = output reflash group 2
The reflash group in question is called up with
the data value selector push-button
, after
which the cursor is moved to digits three and
four from the left of the display with the cursor
control push-button
. The two digits are
indicating the mode of reflash alarm signal for
the selected output reflash group as follows:
0 = field contact following reflash (FCFR)
1 = acknowledge action controlled reflash
2 = impulse shaping reflash (ISR), impulse
length 300 ms
3 = field contact following reflash with a 300 ms
interruption of the reflash signal any time a
new alarm signal joins into an already active
group alarm
4 = FCFR + AACR, Field Contact Following
Reflash and Action Controlled Reflash
Se figure on page 12.
The chosen reflash mode is selected with the
data value selector push-button
and stored in
the parameter memory with the enter command
Selection of inter-
locking configuration
The interlocking configuration is channel spe-
cific, i.e. is done separately for each channel. A
general overview of the channel interlockings is
illustrated in figure 35 on page 34, which can be
used to draw up the interlocking scheme when
the channel interlockings are to be programmed.
The parameter selector push-button
is repeat-
edly pressed until the LED marked INTER-
LOCK starts glowing. Select channels with the
channel selector push-button
A maximum of two interlockings can be selected
per channel. I.e. a channel can receive interlock-
ing signals from two different interlocking lines
(groups) or transmit one interlocking signal and
receive one interlocking signal. The first two
digits from the left in the display correspond to
the first interlocking function and the digits
three and four corresponds to the second inter-
locking function.
If the first interlocking function is to be taken in
use, the first digit from the left in the display
indicate the type of interlocking, that is:
0 = interlocking output
1 = interlocking input, reflash type A inter-
2 = interlocking input, whole channel, return as
an acknowledged alarm
3 = interlocking input, whole channel, return as
a new alarm
See interlockings on page 15
When the required interlocking function has
been selected, it can be linked to the chosen
interlocking line by moving the cursor to the
second digit from the left with the cursor control
. The chosen interlocking line
(1...8) is selected with the data value selector
. If no interlocking function is
needed, a - mark is selected in stead of the
number of the interlocking line. The selected
parameter values are stored in the memory by
pressing the enter command push-button.
The selection relating to the second channel
interlocking function is carried out in the same
way as the selection of the first interlocking
function, but in this case the third digit from the
left of the display indicates the type of interlock-
ing and the fourth digit states the corresponding
interlocking line.
If more than three interlocking levels are used
(i.e. a channel that blocks a channel that blocks
a channel) the resolution of the time stamp of
the events will be effected.