1. Description
The RER620 is a dedicated recloser protection and
control relay perfectly aligned for the protection,
control, measurement and supervision of utility
substations and industrial power systems includ-
ing radial, looped and meshed distribution net-
works with or without distributed power genera-
tion. RER620 is a member of ABB’s Relion® family
and a part of its 620 protection and control prod-
uct series. The 620 series protection and control re-
lays are characterized by their compactness and
withdraw-able unit design.
Re-engineered from the ground up, the 620 series
has been designed to unleash the full potential of
the IEC 61850 standard for communication and in-
teroperability between substation automation de-
vices. The relay provides main protection for over-
head lines and cable feeders in distribution
networks. The relay is also used as back-up protec-
tion in applications, where an independent and re-
dundant protection system is required.
Unique RER620 features
• Six setting groups
• Drawout design
• High impedance (HIZ) fault detection
• Integrated Loop Control
• Support both single and three phase tripping for
improved feeder performance
• Easy integration of Distributed generation on al-
ready installed recloser
• Large, easy to read LCD screen “Quick” pushbut-
tons for easy operation
• Scalable hardware including binary inputs/out-
puts, different communication interfaces
• Integrated Web browser for easy setting and op-
• Use of IEC61850 and GOOSE messaging commu-
nications for high-speed protection, fault isola-
tion and service restoration
• Easy integration into Ethernet or serial-based
communication networks with DNP3 Level 2,
Modbus, IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5-101/104 and
PG&E 2179
• By using Application Configuration Tool – ACT of
PCM600 tool, different applications such as re-
closer, switch, sectionalizer can be made easily
• Field data from recloser control, Sequence of
Events, digital waveform recording, advanced
metering, setting etc. can be achieved by using
just simple Internet Explorer. No tool needs to be
installed on field personnel’s computer
• Environmentally friendly design with RoHS com-
The RER620 provides main protection for overhead
lines of distribution substations. It can be applied
for protection and control of grounded and un-
grounded distribution systems.
The RER620 is the most powerful, advanced re-
closer protection relay in its class, perfectly offer-
ing time and instantaneous overcurrent, negative
sequence overcurrent, phase discontinuity, breaker
failure, embedded loop control performing auto-
matic loop restoration functions, commonly ac-
cepted as a means to significantly improve circuit
reliability and to provide more effective system op-
eration, and voltage metering and protection. The
relay also features optional high impedance fault
(HIZ) and sensitive earth fault (SEF) protection for
grounded and ungrounded distribution systems.
Also, the relay incorporates a flexible three and sin-
gle-phase multi-shot auto-reclose function for au-
tomatic feeder restoration in temporary faults on
overhead lines.
The RER620 also integrates basic control function-
ality, which facilitates the control of one circuit
breaker or recloser via the relay’s front panel hu-
man machine interface (HMI) or remote control sys-
tem. To protect the relay from unauthorized access
and to maintain the integrity of information, the re-
Advanced recloser protection & control