ASPMETER solid core
Product is not communicating over
Modbus daisy chain
• Check the unit Modbus address to ensure that each device on the daisy chain has a unique address.
• Check parity.
• Check the communications wiring.
• Check that the daisy chain is properly terminated.
RX LED is solid
• Check for reversed polarity on Modbus communications.
• Check for sufficient biasing on the Modbus bus. Modbus physical specification calls for 450–650 Ω biasing.
This is usually provided by the master.
The main board has a fast flashing
amber light
• Check that the 1A and 1B CT strips are connected to the left top and left bottom ribbon cable
connections; 2A and 2B must be connected to the right top and right bottom ribbon cable connections
(see illustrations in product installation).
• Verify ribbon cable connectors are inserted in the correct orientation.
• If cables are correct, reset main board to re-initialize product.
• Verify serial number on strips matches serial number on main board.
The main board has a slow flashing
amber light
• One or more channels is clipping. This can be caused by a signal greater than 100 A or 277 V L-N,
or by a signal with high THD near the gain stage switching points (1.5 A and 10 A).
The main board has a flashing green light
• Everything is wired properly and the main board has power.
The main board has a flashing or solid
red light
• Light may be red briefly while device powers up.
• If light is red for more the 60 sec., device has encountered a diagnostic event. Contact technical support.
Power factor reading is not as expected
• Verify voltage taps are connected in appropriate phase rotation.
• Verify strip configuration register matches actual strip installation.
• Verify phase rotation of breakers (firmware rev. 1.012 or higher allows for custom rotation if needed).
Current reading is not as expected,
or reading is on different CT number
than expected
• Verify strip configuration register matches actual strip installation.
• Verify ribbon cable is fully seated and in the correct orientation.
Current is reading zero, even when small
currents are still flowing through circuit
• The product cuts off at 50 mA and will set the reporting register to 0 mA for currents near
or below this range.
Configuration tool “NetConfig” returns
Modbus error on read/write
• Verify use of the latest release of configuration tool “NetConfig” because older versions may
not support all features in current product firmware. Latest version is available on the website
http://www.veris.com/ modbus_downloads.aspx
For troubleshooting or service-related questions, contact ABB at 800-782-8061 or at [email protected]