1. After START goes to 0, the last updated value is stored.
The outputs are reset when the RESET is 1.
Converter integer to real INT_REAL
GUID-B5E646B7-07AC-448E-B75E-773452157369 v1
The converter integer to real (INT_REAL) function can be
used to convert integer to real values.
Definable constant for logic function CONST_INT
GUID-4EF2869F-48F1-4B7B-B99B-FEAAC9431A9B v1
The definable constant for logic function CONST_INT can
be used to provide a constant output in an integer format
based on the set value in PST.
Analog input selector for integer values INTSEL
GUID-567B1181-BDE7-497B-8020-FDB798F0FCB5 v1
Analog input selector for integer values (INTSEL) selects
one out of eight possible integer inputs. Each input
(INPUTx) has its dedicated select input (SELx). The
function provides the output for the value of the selected
input, and its respective select number (INSEL).
If more than one input is selected, the output will be the
lowest in order INPUT value. If inputs are not selected, the
select value number shall be 0.
Definable limiter LIMITER
GUID-BD0E0AB5-03AD-469E-AE25-D92BD9555FC5 v1
The definable limiter (LIMITER) function can be used to limit
the output values within the minimum and maximum limits
set in the PST. If the input is outside the set range then the
value OUTLIMIT is set to 1 to indicate the output value is
Absolute value ABS
GUID-A5BF20EF-F04B-4546-B6D0-C1343A56ED72 v1
The absolute value (ABS) function gives the absolute value
of the input.
Polar to rectangular converter POL_REC
GUID-C2265D29-5169-4E04-B706-15B8A42F1D3E v1
The polar to rectangular converter (POL_REC) function
gives the possibility to convert an input values in polar form
to a rectangular form.
Radians to degree angle converter RAD_DEG
GUID-40A32941-6633-4ABE-B123-9CCAAACC093A v1
The radians to degree angle converter (RAD_DEG) function
gives the possibility to convert an input value from radian
angles to degree angles.
Definable constant for logic function CONST_REAL
GUID-3B03B1AD-54AF-4FC7-9472-4295D920BA4A v1
The definable constant for logic function (CONST_REAL)
can be used to provide a constant output in an real format
based on the set value in PST.
Analog input selctor for real values REALSEL
GUID-CDE0D96C-B328-4B10-A88C-1648D1E9A521 v1
Analog input selector for real values (REALSEL) function
selects one out of eight possible real inputs. Each input
(INPUTx) has its dedicated select input (SELx).
The function provides the output for the value of the
selected input and its respective select number (INSEL). If
more than one input is selected, the output will be the
lowest in order INPUT value. If inputs are not selected, the
select value number shall be 0.
Store value for integer inputs STOREINT
GUID-48902D3D-BE8B-4159-B8A2-A596912BAE76 v1
The store value for integer inputs (STOREINT) function can
be used to store the integer value upon the trigger, the
minimum trigger duration for it to be stored is 100ms. The
stored value is reset to 0 when the RESET input is set to 1.
Store value for real inputs STOREREAL
GUID-A3DF152A-7BAA-4BBE-BBB8-12F513C92317 v1
The store value for real inputs (STOREREAL) function can
be used to store the real value upon the trigger, the
minimum trigger duration for it to be stored is 100ms. The
stored value is reset to 0 when the RESET input is set to 1.
Degree to radians angle converter DEG_RAD
GUID-51608C56-7ED9-4FAD-A5BF-5EA4991F83D2 v1
The degree to radians angle converter (DEG_RAD) function
gives the possibility to convert an input value from degree
angles to radian angles.
12. Monitoring
M12024-3 v9
The measurement functions are used to get on-line
information from the IED. These service values make it
possible to display on-line information on the local HMI and
on the substation automation system about:
• measured voltages, currents, frequency, active, reactive
and apparent power and power factor
• measured analog values from merging units
• primary phasors
• current sequence components
• voltage sequence components
Disturbance report DRPRDRE
M12153-3 v15
Complete and reliable information about disturbances in the
primary and/or in the secondary system together with
continuous event-logging is accomplished by the
disturbance report functionality.
Disturbance report (DRPRDRE), always included in the IED,
acquires sampled data of all selected analog input and
binary signals connected to the function block with a
maximum of 40 analog and 352 binary signals.
The Disturbance report functionality is a common name for
several functions:
• Event list
• Indications
• Event recorder
• Trip value recorder
• Disturbance recorder
• Fault locator
• Settings information
Line distance protection REL650
1MRK 506 384-BEN H
Version 2.2
Hitachi Power Grids
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