5. Measure that the installation is de-energized. If the measurement requires removal or
disassembly of shrouding or other cabinet structures, obey the local laws and regulations
applicable to live working (including – but not limited to – electric shock and arc
• Before and after measuring the installation, verify the operation of the voltage tester
on a known voltage source.
• Make sure that the voltage between the drive input power terminals (L1, L2, L3) and
the grounding (PE) busbar is zero.
• Make sure that the voltage between the drive output terminals (T1/U, T2/V, T3/W)
and the grounding (PE) busbar is zero.
• Make sure that the voltage between the drive DC terminals (UDC+ and UDC-) and
the grounding (PE) terminal is zero. In cabinet-built drives, measure between the
drive DC busbars (+ and -) and the grounding (PE) busbar.
The busbars inside the cabinet of liquid-cooled drives are partially coated.
Measurements made through the coating are potentially unreliable, so only
measure at uncoated portions. Note that the coating does not constitute a safe
or touch-proof insulation.
6. Install temporary grounding as required by the local regulations.
7. Ask the person in control of the electrical installation work for a permit to work.
10 Safety instructions