Manual | MNS-SG Operation and Maintenance 27
Section Frame Connections
Connect the sections using the provided hardware,
consisting of 12 M8-1.25 x 20. Torque to 15 ft/lbs (20 Nm).
The hardware bag is typically affixed to the front of the
switchgear shipping split.
After connecting the sections, you can attach the lineup to
the floor (see section 4.7).
Install the spacer bolts only in the front C profiles and
rear C profiles as shown on the frame connection drawing.
The bolts in the middle section are not necessary to install
because in the field it is no longer possible to join the frames
in certain areas.
Splice horizontal busbars
The fasteners provided with the switchgear include an
integrated thread coating that ensures they will remain at the
torque valued. See Eslok® Fasteners in this manual for more.
The bus in each section is designed to allow splicing with the
bus of the adjacent sections to create a continuous
horizontal bus. The splice links are located on the right-hand
side for the neutral and phase A and on the left-hand side for
phase B and C of each section. They are slid to the right or
left to connect the bus to the adjacent section.
After installing and connecting the shipping splits,
connect the main horizontal bus splice links and tighten the
hardware to the specified torque. Splice kits are supplied
from the factory, installed on the right-hand side for neutral
and phase A, and left-hand for phase B and C of each
shipping split. They are slid to the right or left to connect the
bus to the adjacent section.
Follow the next steps to connect the Main Bus Bar:
Remove the Cable support if provided.
If the Main Bus is insulated you must remove the
insulation boots.
Splice Links locations
Splice Kits
Neutral and Phase A
Slide to the right
Phase B and C
Slide to the left