August, 1991
Supersedes Descriptive Bulletin 41-123M
pages 1 and 2, dated January, 1991
Mailed to: E, D, C/41-100C
Eight selectable curves
Wide current tap ranges
Exceptional setting resolution
Self-powered, low burden
Power T&D Company Inc.
Relay Division
Coral Springs, FL
Allentown, PA
Single Phase
Device Number: 50/51
Transient and EMI immunity
Total-drawout construction
Retrofit existing CO installations
2 year warranty
Descriptive Bulletin
Page 1
Types MICRO-51 and
Micro-51 microprocessor-based overcurrent
relays are used for phase and ground overcur
rent protection in utility, industrial. and com
mercial electrical power systems. The Micro-51
operates from conventional 5A or 1 A second
ary current transformers. The relay is self-pow
ered from the current; therefore, there is no
continuous drain on the control voltage supply.
Settings are made by front panel switches.
Eight time-current curves are built-in, select
able on the front panel:
Long Time Inverse
Very Inverse
Long Time Very Inverse
Extremely Inverse Long Time Extremely
Definite Time
Short Time Inverse
Wide current tap ranges with exceptional set
ting resolution are offered: 1.5-12A in 0.25A
increments, and 0.3-2.4A in 0.05A increments.
The time dial is adjustable from 1 to 10 in
increments of 0.1.
An instantaneous element is standard. Instan
taneous pickup is adjustable from 1 to 20 multi
ples of the time-pickup, in increments of 0.1
multiples. The instantaneous unit may be dis
abled by setting the pickup to zero.
The Micro-51 can be set for operation on a 50
Hz or 60 Hz system by positioning an internal
The Micro-51 has three electrically isolated
normally-open output contacts: Time trip, Inst.
trip, and trip alarm.
A led is provided on the front panel to indicate
when the cc;rrent is above the pickup setting.
Two targets are provided for Time and Instan
taneous trip indication. Target operation is by
trip circuit current. Reset is manual by a front
panel magnetic device.
The Micro-51 has self-diagnostics that continu
ously perform functional checks when the input
current to the relay is above a minimum level.
The integrity of the ROM, RAM, EEPROM, and
anaglog elements are monitored. A red led on
the front panel indicates the detection of a
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