(above) EquiLine fence at Premier. It’s a safe, clean, attractive,
effective, reliable, “no maintenance” horse fence. EquiLine fences work
best with an energized offset rope (inset above) that keeps horses from
rubbing or leaning on it. The rope can be offset or inserted in place of a
strand of EquiLine.
for Horses
Installation Instructions
Washington, IA
What is EquiLine?
A high-strength polyester horse fence made in
It’s 2.6 mm (.10") in diameter. White. Will not
rust, rot, corrode, fade (in color) or mildew. It is not
Key Features:
• Safe for horses
• Requires very little maintenance if tensioned
adequately and the posts are properly installed.
• Very attractive.
• Resists wind, snow, ice and time better than all
other safe horse
fence materials.
• Like all non-conductive horse fences, adding an
offset energized wire keeps horses from leaning on
or reaching through it.
• Best results (and faster installation) occur if proper
anchors, splices and tools are used
(see other side).
Cost: as low as 54¢ per ft
How does EquiLine Star differ from
(which it replaces)
Much stronger
—because it is polyester instead
of nylon. It’s similar in strength to high-tensile
wire—but unlike HT wire, it’s
large enough in
diameter to be safe to use for horse fences.
2. It’s cross-sectional shape is
star-shaped instead of round.
Other things to consider
Why is it safer than HT wire?
It’s larger, more visible and more elastic (so it flexes
away from horses without injury).
Couplers and ends?
(See other side.)
By hand.
(See other side.)
Spacing between posts?
Up to 20 ft.
Line posts and end posts?
Same as for electrified
rope fences.
How long will it last?
Fences installed over 15 years
ago are as good as new.
actual size