6 . T e s T I N G a N D I N sp eC T I N G
6.2 Key interlocks
After initial installation of the switchgear
equipment, all necessary interlock keys should be
inserted into the appropriate locks and all spare
keys should be stored in a location in accordance
with the owner's established procedures.
Caution: Refer to the key interlock schematic
included in the summary furnished with the
equipment to determine the sequence of operation
and the correct number of operating keys required.
This precaution is necessary since the improper use
of spare keys will defeat the interlocking scheme.
Prudence: Reportez-vous au schéma des dispositifs
de verrouillage à clé inclus dans le récapitulatif
fourni avec l'équipement pour déterminer l'ordre
des opérations et le nombre de clés de
fonctionnement requises. Cette précaution est
nécessaire car toute utilisation incorrecte de clés
de rechange bloquera le dispositif de verrouillage.
6.3 Breaker operation test
All compartments housing EntelliGuard circuit
breakers have a TEST position in which the breaker
primary contacts are disconnected while the
secondary contacts are still engaged. This TEST
position permits complete testing of the electrical
control circuit without energizing the primary
power circuit. When the breaker is first put into
service, its control circuit must be thoroughly
tested while in this position to make sure that all
closing and tripping circuits are complete and
functioning properly The TEST position is not
suitable for inspection and maintenance of the
breaker and should therefore be used only for
testing breaker operation. Refer to the
appropriate breaker instruction manual for
other preoperational checks on the breakers.
See DEH-41304 (AKD-20 Only) or DEH-41526
(Entellisys Only).
6.4 EntelliGuard trip units (AKD-20 only)
The calibration of the EntelliGuard trip unit should
be checked with the Type GTUTK20 test kit, a
portable instrument designed for the fieldtesting
of EntelliGuard trip units. The complete trip system
is comprised of the following components:
1. Solid-state Trip Unit with rating plug
2. Phase Current Sensors
3. Flux Shift Magnetic Trip Device
4. When applicable, a Neutral Sensor for units
containing a Ground Fault Trip element.
All components, except the Neutral Sensor, are
integrally mounted in the circuit breaker. When
used, the Neutral Sensor is separately mountedin
the bus or cable compartment of the switchgear.
In draw-out construction, it is automatically
connected to the trip unit in the breaker via
a draw-out secondary disconnect block.
Caution: Never disengage the trip unit on a
breaker that is energized and carrying load
current. This will open-circuit the current
sensors, allowing dangerous and damaging
voltages to develop.
Prudence: Ne dégagez jamais l'unité de
déclenchement d'un disjoncteur alimenté
et transportant du courant de charge. Cela
ouvrirait le circuit des capteurs électriques
et des tensions dangereuses pourraient
se développer.
Complete Instructions for testing the trip units
are included with the test set. The trip unit user
manuals are DEH-4567 (EntelliGuard trip unit)
and DEH-4568 (GTUTK20).