Rev D
Compatibility with analog models of Eden
Eden DYN is designed to be compatible with analog models of Eden, still there are differences. The
compatibility of Eden DYN and analog Eden are limited to:
Eden DYN uses a processor based digital technique and the analog Eden uses analog technique.
This difference in technology creates some differences in the processing of the dynamic signal. This
can make the two models to behave different in environments with for example high interferences
and magnetic fields.
It is possible to mix analog Eden with Eden DYN in the same safety circuit with these limitations:
If the safety circuit includes two Eden or more in parallel, all analog Eden must be replaced by
Eden DYN. Diodes
are not necessary
when two Eden DYN are connected in parallel.
It is not possible to use an analog Adam with a digital Eva.
It is not possible to use an analog Eva with a digital Adam DYN.
The info output switches from +24 V to 0 V on analog models of Eden. Eden DYN has only a
+24 V/Info output.
When mounting close to metal the detection distance between Adam and Eva will be
shorter for Eden DYN compared to analog models of Eden
NB: It is possible to connect an Adam DYN Info to the safety circuit of a StatusBus system if pin-5 is
disconnected with e.g. a M12-3A.
NB: It is possible to connect an Adam DYN Reset to the safety circuit of a StatusBus system, if pin-5
is disconnected with e.g. a Smile 12RF or a M12-3A.
Eden DYN
Eden Analog
Former models