ABB Distribution Protection Unit 1500R
Maintenance and Testing
Testing the DPU1500R
When the DPU1500R is in service, its functions depend on the state of the breaker monitored through the 52a (XO)
and 52b (XI) contacts. Therefore, to fully test the system, apply a test circuit that simulates circuit breaker operation.
Figure 11-1 shows a typical test circuit using a latching relay as the simulated breaker.
A Breaker Simulator Test Accessory is available from the factory. Instruction Book IB applies to this
accessory and is available on request. Catalog numbers: 110/125 Vdc = 200S4004; 48 Vdc = 200S4003; 24 Vdc =
If it is not possible to use a breaker simulator, place the DPU1500R in the Functional Test Mode. This mode allows
testing of the programmed overcurrent functions and reclose sequence (when the test current is removed) without
simulating the operation of the 52a (XO) and 52b (XI) contacts.
If you do not place the unit in Functional Test Mode and do not connect the 52a (XO) and 52b (XI) contacts during
testing, the DPU1500R will go into the Breaker Failure state (and Lockout) on the first test trip.
The DPU1500R stays in the Functional Test Mode for fifteen minutes or until you exit whichever occurs first. Use the
“C” key on the MMI to reset the recloser when it is in Lockout in the Test Mode. In the Test Mode the fault sequence is
written only to the Operations Record.
The tests described below confirm the relay’s protective capabilities and metering accuracy. Test only those functions
that will be enabled when the relay is placed into service. Testing the enabled functions ensures that the relay settings
are correct for the desired application. Check the Fault and Operations Records after each test to confirm proper
sequential operation of the relay logic.
NOTE: The following test procedures are written from the perspective of using the MMI. You can also use the
WinECP to change settings and run the test. See Section 5, "Settings," for basic instructions on using
Use a single-phase current test set to confirm continuity through the four current input sensors and the proper operation/
settings of 51P (3I>) , 51N (IN>) , 50P-1 (3I>>1) , 50N-1 (IN>>1) , 50P-2 (3I>>2) , 50N-2 (IN>>2) , 50P-3 (3I>>3) ,
50N-3 (IN>>3) and 46 (Insc>) functions. Test the phase functions by injecting current into the Ia and Ib input sensors.
Test the neutral (ground) functions by injecting current into the Ic and In input sensors. Test the 46 function by injecting
current into one phase input sensor (since I2 = 1/3 Ia when Ib = Ic = 0).
You must have a three-phase current and voltage test set to fully tet the proper operation of the fault locator and the
accuracy of the watts, VARs and power factor metering capabilities. (You must have 3-phase current sources, 3-phase
voltage sources and a digital timer.)
Use a single-phase voltage test set to confirm the proper operation/settings of the 27 (U<) and 79V (O->IU<) functions.
Properly ground all equipment used in testing.
Tables 11-1 and 11-2 show the factory default settings on which the tests are based. These are the same default
settings shown in Tables 5-1 and 5-2.