The size of these data blocks must be set in the controller
configuration for this. This is achieved by answering configuration
inquiries 7 and 8 in configuration group "Device", functional block
30. Inquiry 7 is used for the factory setting of the input data block,
and inquiry 8 for the factory setting of the output data block. It is
possible to set the two data blocks independently of each other to
a size between one and 16 words. -- The data blocks fixed with
this are then transmitted cyclically between the DP master and
the DP slave. --- Their size can be defined as described under
"Configuration Instructions". -
The new/modified setting of these values is only activated
upon controller power on. - Therefore, switch the controller
off and on again to activate a change. --- -
If this functionality is not needed since the configuration tool does
not support the entry of slave-specific configuration data, answer
both inquiries with 0 = unused.