Product manual 2CKA001373B8563
– Use of the internal temperature sensor of the device for reading and regulating the
room temperature.
External for regulating:
– Use of an external temperature sensor for reading and regulating the temperature.
Internal and external for regulating:
– Use of the internal and an external temperature sensor for reading and regulating
the room temperature. Both measured values are used to create an average
Internal for regulating and external for limiting:
– Use of the internal and an external temperature sensor for reading temperature.
The temperature is regulated via the internal temperature sensor. The external
temperature sensor serves for limiting the temperature. Example: As soon as the
temperature measured on the external temperature sensor exceeds the set
temperature, the relay is switched off. Heating stops.
Temperature correction of external sensor [°C]
Manual increase/reduction of the temperature value of the external sensor, to adjust a
permanent temperature offset.
Upper temperature limit [°C]
Manual increase/reduction of the upper temperature limit for the external sensor.