Product manual 2CKA001373B8563
Add device
Configuring, positioning and linking of the devices is carried out via
menu "Devices, scenes and groups".
1. Tap on the menu with the switch icon in the user interface of the System Access Point.
– The "Building plan" opens.
Fig. 18: Open building plan and list of components (example illustration)
2. Tap on the round plus icon [1] at the bottom right.
– Menu "Select component" opens.
3. Tap on the desired characteristic in the list of components.
– The menu with the available devices, functions and actuators opens.
4. Select the desired device and pull it into the building plan via drag-and-drop.
Fig. 19: Pulling the device out of the menu bar (example illustration)
Notice for operation via a mobile phone
The building plan/floor plan is not available in the app for mobile phones.
– Use the list view of the device configuration here for the location of the
device. “Device overview“ on page 13