Installation and operating instructions, ATS021
1SDH000759R0002, L4106
3 Description
3.1.4 Missing of both lines
If the voltage of both lines drops, ATS021 will enter the POWERSAVE mode, which is indicated by a
blinking Power LED. After TS delay, the generator is started, and the device will then wait for return of
voltage in either line. If both lines are missing more than one minute, ATS021 will shut down.
During missing of the both lines the contact DO6 is activated.
3.1.5 Logic Enable/Disable input
When this digital input is inactivated by opening the short-circuit, the logic is enabled and the Alarm LED
is switched on.
3.2 Parameter settings
The parameter settings of automatic transfer switch ATS021 are performed by the DIP switches (see
pages 17-19) and by the rotary switches (see page 15). ATS021 has a total of eight (8) adjustable
Rated voltages, setting by DIP switches:
Main voltage: 208 - 480 Vac
Phase voltage: 120 - 277 Vac
Rated frequency, setting by DIP switches: 50 Hz or 60 Hz
N in use, setting by DIP switches
Number of phases, setting by DIP switches: Single or three-phase
Generator in use, setting by DIP switches
Generator stop delay, setting by DIP switches: Same as switching delay Ts or Tgoff= 5 min
Switching delay, setting by Ts rotary switch: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 s
Voltage threshold, setting by Lim rotary switch:
In MANUAL Mode: ± 5, ± 10, ± 20, ± 30 %
In AUTOMATIC Mode: ± 5, ± 10, ± 20, ± 30 %.