| 0073-1-7515
— 6 —
Pos: 21 /DinA4 - Anleitungen Online/Ueberschriften/2./Geraeteeinstellungen @ 18\mod_1302768847744_15.docx @ 103548 @ 2 @ 1
A djus ting the devic e
Pos: 22 /DinA4 - Anleitungen Online/Inhalt/KNX/DoorEntry/83205-AP-xxx/Geraeteeinstellungen - 83205-AP-xxx @ 18\mod_1303207573639_15.docx @ 103632 @ 3 @ 1
Aside from the standard control you can set the device according to your requirements via the push-buttons.
To change to the device settings, press simultaneously on the upper and lower button.
In the following you will find the setting options after you have changed to the device settings.
S tored s ettings
Fig. 3:
F unc tion
Use this button to set the volume of the bell sound for the front door with the handset removed.
– Five volume settings are available.
Use this button to select the bell sound for the front door with the handset replaced.
– Five bell sounds are available for selection.
Use this button to set the volume of the bell sound for the floor door with the handset removed.
– Five volume settings are available.
Use this button to select the bell sound for the floor door with the handset replaced.
– Five bell sounds are available for selection.
To change to the device settings, press the light button for 3 seconds.
Pos: 23 /Busch-Jaeger (Neustruktur)/Modul-Struktur/Online-Dokumentation/Steuermodule - Online-Dokumentation (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/++++++++++++ Seitenu+++++++++++ @ 9\mod_1268898668093_0.docx @ 52149 @ @ 1