| 0073-1-7516
— 8 —
Pos: 26 /DinA4 - Anleitungen Online/Ueberschriften/2./Bedienaktionen @ 20\mod_1323262294281_15.docx @ 111911 @ 2 @ 1
5. 2
C o ntro l a c tio ns
Pos: 27 /DinA4 - Anleitungen Online/Ueberschriften/3./Sprech- und Videoverbindung @ 20\mod_1323262368700_15.docx @ 111927 @ 3 @ 1
5. 2. 1
S etting u p the vo ic e a nd v ideo c o nnec tio n
Pos: 28 /DinA4 - Anleitungen Online/Inhalt/KNX/DoorEntry/83220-AP-xxx/Sprech- und Videoverbindung - 83220-AP-xxx @ 20\mod_1323262341852_15.docx @ 111919 @ @ 1
Fig. 3:
Setting up the voice and video connection
The following functions are available for setting up the voice and video connections (pressing the handset button):
No. F u nc tion
Designation of camera
Set the volume by touching the respective buttons (plus and minus).
If several outdoor stations or external cameras are connected:
– Select the camera by touching the respective buttons (forward and back).
Set the display by touching the respective buttons.
Saturation of the display (plus and minus)
Contrast of the display (plus and minus)
Pos: 29 /Busch-Jaeger (Neustruktur)/Modul-Struktur/Online-Dokumentation/Steuermodule - Online-Dokumentation (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/++++++++++++ Seitenu+++++++++++ @ 9\mod_1268898668093_0.docx @ 52149 @ @ 1