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User manual DW
Activate Bluetooth on DW devices (see page 36)
At the start the app displays the list of the associated DW devices. To associate a new device, press the symbol “ ” in the upper
right corner.
All the Bluetooth devices detected nearby are displayed: select the device to be associated from the list.
Note: each device is identified by the product code (for example DW) and by the serial number (for example 00000020).
These informations can be viewed from the main page of the DW
Warning: make sure that the DW is mains powered, Bluetooth interface is activated and that the display shows the main page (initial).
Otherwise the Bluetooth interface is not active and the device is not visible
Enter the password to associate the DW with your device
After successfully completing the procedure, the DW is added in the list of the associated devices.
Select the DW on which you want to act from the list of the associated devices
Note: communication between the app and the DW is point-to-point. This means that,
even in the presence of multiple DW, the app can communicate with one only at a time.
The DW currently connected to the app displays the symbol * immediately after the serial number
The app displays the initial page of the selected DW. From this page you can:
a. Create new programs that will then be copied to the DW
b. Change the settings of the DW
c. View the parameters and associate an alias to the DW
d. Manually control the relay output/s and activate the random switching function or cycle function.