capture count
The number of consecutive identical valid decodes that result in a
valid read.
One symbol of a set of symbols that normally includes both alpha
and numeric codes plus punctuation marks and other symbols that
may be read, stored, or written.
character self-checking
The feature which allows a bar code reader to determine if a scanned
group of elements is a valid symbol character. If a symbology is
described as character self-checking, a single printed defect (edge
error) in any symbol character does not produce a valid character.
character set
Those characters available for encodation in a particular automatic
identification technology.
check character
A character included within a symbol whose value is used for the
purpose of performing a mathematical check to ensure the symbol
has been decoded.
check digit
See check character.
clear area
See quiet zone.
code set
The specific assignment of data characters to symbol characters.
The arrangement and interconnection of hardware components
within a system, and the hardware (switch and jumper) and software
selections that determine the operating characteristics of the system.
configuration file
The set of attributes which belongs to and defines the operation of a
single physical device.