+33 4 7642 9550
User manual for Cantar-X1 & X2 v2.15 2008 March 28
In REC, a ‘
icon is displayed under the active disk
drive and a red LED lights up underneath this icon. While in
REC, both batteries are paralleled for additional safety.
Iso Track modulos
In REC, PPR and TEST, the modulometers display the level of
the signals to the tracks. The circular modulometers’ resolu-
tion is 1dB in the -35dBFS to -12dBFS working zone The
rectangular screen modulometers’ resolution is 2dB in the
same zone. The ballistics emulate needle modulometers.
The decay time can be adjusted in TECHSET.12 ‘Meter
Speed’ from '
1 Fast
' to '
5 Slow
'. In low temperature envi-
ronment, '
5 Slow
' is recommended. The default is '
3 Med
The peak-meters are always active, and their ‘hold’ period
can be adjusted from 0.5 to 5 seconds (TECHSET.13).
Soloing inputs
To monitor a questionable input, rotate the [monitor] crown
and select the desired
input. You can also directly
monitor a Mic by pressing
its [
-fil-tom] (2) button or
make a short click to turn it
'ON', another click turns it
'OFF'. While [so-fil-tom] is
enabled, its filter setting can be modified using [jog].
Soloing tracks
Pull the [
Mix Pan]
slider to Solo (operator side). Press
a [track-solo] button, you
will hear the track’s audio
in both ears. While main-
taining pressure on a solo
button, press another one.
You will hear the first soloed
track in the left ear, and the second in the right ear. Use
this feature to compare track levels, phases or differential
delays. When a [track-solo] is activated, the selected
track’s modulometer is differentiated from the others by a
‘dashed’ appearance.
Track (dis)arming
It is wise to momentarily disarm a track when there is no use for
it. Go to TEST, press [shift] [track-solo] of the unwanted track.
(see p.18).
Locking all Faders
Press the [link-lock] (3) button (between Mic 1 & Mic 2 faders)
to (dis)able the mixer’s linear faders; press the [link-lock] (3)
button (between Mic 3 & Mic 4 faders) to (dis)able all rotary
faders. Any action on a disabled fader causes the rectan-
gular screen to display ‘
Locked Fader
’ instead of its gain
value. To prevent inadvertent (un)locking, the button must
be pressed for a full second for the action to occur.
Reference Tone generator
In TEST, PPR or REC, [shift] [red] sends a 1kHz tone to the
tracks, modulometers and mixdown. '
' or '
' is
selected in AUDIO/TC.03 ‘Tone Level’. Releasing [shift] be-
fore [red] locks the tone ‘ON’; pressing [shift] turns it ‘OFF’.
Talkback mic
In TEST, PPR or REC, press and hold the [black] button to
send the talkback to the left channel (see AUDIO/TC.04
‘TalkbackMic’); quickly press [black] then press and hold it to
send the talkback to the right channel. Press [shift] [black]
to send the talkback to all tracks.
Warning beeps
The beep level is set in TECHSET.11 ‘Beep Level’.
: record start (05), clip detection (06).
Two beeps
record stop or low priority problem such as low battery
voltage; the 'Lack of external clock' (07) is automatically
disabled on ‘w’ (wild track) takes.
Three beeps
: high prior-
ity problem, e.g. unplugged external HDD.
While in PPR or REC, press the [red] button to toggle the
take-type: t=time sync audio, p=pick-up, w=wild track,
a=announce, n=no good. Remember: '
t p w a n