General information
Congratulations! The movilino is a pushing and braking aid operated by an
assistant. Special brackets make it possible to mount the movilino easily to
almost any type of wheelchair.
movilino supports the assistant in pushing and braking a wheelchair. It faci-
litates driving on slopes and brakes automatically when going downhill
providing safety.
With the movilino one person could be carried safely and without any effort
up to a increase of 18%. The movilino is suitable for the transportation on le-
vel base; he is compact, light and versatile.
The sticker with the device's serial number is located on the side of the hou-
How to use this user's manual
The user's manual is part of the delivery package and instruct you step by
step about the safe and adequate use of the movilino. Operating the movilino
takes a certain skill.
Please read this user’s manual carefully and particularly take note of the sa-
fety instructions before you use the movilino for the first time.
After reading, please store this user's manual at an appropriate place for furt-
her reference.
In the interest of your safety the movilino a only be operated by trained per-
Instruction on how to operate the device is part of the delivery package and
takes place with your authorized dealer or an AAT representative.
Please read this user’s manual carefully and particularly take note of the sa-
fety instructions before you use the movilino for the first time.
Care and maintenance
One of the most important aspects concerning the maintenance of the movi-
lino is charging the seal lead acid batteries. They are part of the battery pack
and must be charged every time after using the device.
Other than that your movilino does not need much care or maintenance.
More extensive instructions you find in chapter 8.
Warranty and liability
For damage that was caused by inadequate use disregarding this manual we
assume no liability whatsoever. (Please read chapter 9 for more detailed in-
formation concerning warranty and liability).