Malfunction of the drive unit
- Processor -
Motor controller 1
Motor controller 2
The respective motor controller recognized an error
Brake 1
Brake 2
The respective brake recognized an error
Electronic system 1
Electronic system 2
The respective electronic system recognized an error
Parameter control
The parameters of the control processors in EEPROM are faulty
Pump is failing
Pump is damaged
Valve is defective
Valve is damaged
Pressure is not reached
Required pressure could not be reached
Software control
Error in the software of the control processor
Malfunction of the drive unit
- Communication processors -
Under voltage
Batteries in the drive unit are under voltage
Over voltage
Batteries in the drive unit are over voltage
Parameters of the communication processors in EEPROM are faulty
Radio transmitter
Error in the transmitter of the radio module
Radio receiver
Error in the receiver of the radio module
Control – communication
Communication between the communication processor and the control
processor of the drive unit is interrupted
Software – communication
Error when running the software of the communication processor