4 2 Indication and intended use
The max-e is an electrical transport device and is attached to a manual wheelchair. The objective of the
electrical transport device is to make movement with a manual wheelchair easier for a self-propelled
person and to take over the force generation for the movement of the wheelchair. This shall maintain
autonomous movement and increase mobility and flexibility for the patient.
The max-e drive can optionally be equipped with a control unit for use by an accompanying person.
This applies to the following indication:
If the wheelchair user does no longer have the motor ability to move the wheelchair by himself/herself by
operating the joystick control, and the strength of the accompanying person is not enough to steer and/
or push and brake a person sitting in the wheelchair.
The max-e can be used indoors as well as outdoors.
4 3 Contraindication
The max-e must not be used if:
the operator has obtained no training/instruction for the product
the operator is not physically and mentally able to operate the max-e safely
more than one person shall be transported simultaneously
the operator does not have adequate eyesight
the braking effect is lost due to rain, wet conditions, snow or black ice
the braking effect of the max-e does not set in
escalators or travelators shall be overcome
medical devices with e.g. a life support function, and diagnostic devices are in the proximity
it is not used according to the intended use
objects shall be transported