The voicemail function
The voicemail function
The voicemail function helps you to manage your calls when you are absent or simply
when you do not want to be disturbed.
For the messaging system to be able to record your messages, you must configure
and personalize your voice mailbox, then forward your calls.
The messaging system allows you to program call forwarding
to suit your requirements:
- immediate call forwarding (
- call forwarding on no answer (
- call forwarding on busy (
Refer to the section The call forwarding function to access
the complete procedure for forwarding to voicemail.
Configuring and personalizing your voicemail*
You must call the voicemail system to access the menus to configure and personalize
your voice mailbox.
Press the
: the access to your voicemail must be programmed. Refer to the
Personalizing the DECT handset - Access to voicemail
Enter the
messaging number
We recommend that you carry out the following straight
personalize your access code,
record your name,
record your greeting message.
If required, contact your system operator for additional
information on using the messaging system.
* Depending on the programming done by the system operator
Enable call forwarding
to your voice mail: