Ascotel® IntelliGate® 150/300 as of I7.9
System Overview
– I7.
9 – 1
System Overview
This chapter provides a brief overview of the Ascotel® IntelliGate® with its system termi-
nals and application possibilities. In addition, installation versions and positioning in
relation to other Ascotel® products are shown. Finally, we talk about the topics of net-
working possibilities, application interfaces, and connection possibilities.
Ascotel® IntelliGate® 150/300 is a communications system designed for profes-
sional use in businesses and organizations operating in all industries with a typical
payroll ranging between 3 and 30 employees. With its networking capability the
system is particularly well suited for companies that operate in several locations.
Coverage can even be extended to the smallest branch offices at low cost.
Voice communication technology is currently undergoing a major leap forward.
New technologies such as Voice over IP (VoIP) are also used in small and medium-
sized companies. A modern communications system must offer the customer the
option of implementing the new technology or continuing to rely on conventional
telephony. Migrating from conventional to VoIP, with the possibility of using a mix
of both technologies, must be possible at all times.
And that is precisely one of the main strengths of Ascotel® IntelliGate®. As hybrid IP
systems they handle both technologies with similar ease.
With the use of VoIP within the company, voice and data can be transmitted simul-
taneously via the local data network and/or the internet. No further investments
into an additional and cost-intensive telephony installation is required.