So far, our examples were only using the provided frequency presets available
at key 2 (45-65Hz). However, you can also make a
, highly precise fre-
quency range (sweep) adjustment:
Recall frequency range presets
At the keys 1 - 5 are different presets available including
the optimal frequency selection for
traction power
mains power
(50Hz/60Hz), harmonics, TFTs,
switching power supplies and others.
Usually these are the measurements which almost any-
body wants to carry out. The amateur in particular will
appreciate these presets, as all frequency parameter are
already adjusted.
However, you can also make a
, highly precise frequency range (sweep)
adjustment. This way, you can set a frequency range exactly tailored for a spe-
cific signal source in order to measure
only this
single source.
To set the frequency range, you simply need to know the start and stop fre-
quencies of the subject to be measured and provide them to SPECTRAN.
can find an excerpt from the start and stop frequencies of various signal
sources in the frequency table on page 56.
Manual adjustment
There are two ways for setting up the requested frequen-
cy range exactly. You can either go in the menu to the
frequency, or just work with the
In the following paragraphs, you will find an explanation of such a manual mea-
surement, using a TV set or computer monitor as an example.
Proceed as fol-
First of all, have a look at the frequency list on
page 56
. From this list, you can
derive that TV sets or computer monitors work in the frequency range from
approx. 31kHz to 56kHz. We choose a slightly more liberal frequency range of
20kHz to 70kHz. These are the searched start and stop frequencies which you
have to set as follows:
6.0 Manual frequency selection
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