Milan / Paylink System Manual
Issue 1.5 29 January 2020
Not to be disclosed without prior written permission from Aardvark Embedded Solutions Ltd
Page 13 of 71
Supported Peripherals
Paylink supports a wide range of peripherals. Most peripherals connect to the system via a serial
communications cable plugged into a Paylink device, but some are connected directly via USB cable.
Where peripherals are connected through a standard Paylink unit, there may be some requirements
as to the exact firmware loaded on the Paylink device. Paylink Lite systems support all peripherals.
Where not indicated, the support is provided through the Paylink unit with any version of firmware
loaded. The following indications are used for other connectivity.
A Paylink unit loaded with a firmware build that starts Genoa...
A Paylink unit loaded with a firmware build that starts Innov...
A Paylink unit loaded with a firmware build that starts InnEbd...
USB connection directly into the PC.
Coin Acceptors
All cctalk Coin acceptors using the standard command set.
Coin Recyclers
All MDB Coin Changers using the standard command set.
(U) CPI BCRxxx
(U) CPI BCRxxx
(U) CPI C2 MDB Coin Changer
(U) CPI CF7000 MDB Coin Changer
(I) Innovative SmartHopper with an attached coin acceptor
Coin Hoppers
All cctalk Hoppers that operate the same way as CPI Serial Compact and Universal Hoppers.
All cctalk Hoppers that operate the same way as the Azkoyen Hoppers.
(I / E) Innovative SmartHopper, in cctalk mode.
(G / U) CPI Tflex Coin dispenser
(G / U) CPI CX25 Coin dispenser
Note Acceptors
All cctalk Note acceptors using the standard command set.
All ID003 Note Acceptors using the standard command set.
All MDB Note acceptors using the standard command set.
(G / E) All EBDS Note Acceptors using the standard command set.
(G) All CCNet Note Acceptors using the standard command set.
Note recyclers
JCM UBA, iPro & Vega recyclers on ID003
All Standard MDB Note recyclers
(G / E) EBDS SCR recycler
(G) All CCNet (B2B) Note recyclers
(U) MEIBNR Recyclers (via manufacturers DLL)
(I / E) JCM Vega on cctalk
(I / E) Innovative NV11 on cctalk
(I / E) Merkur MD100
(I / E) Innovative Smart Payout (NV200)