Using the Monitor
Applying the Cuff
1. Wrap the cuff around your wrist about 1 cm above your hand as shown in
the figure at the right.
2. Apply the cuff tightly using the Velcro strip.
Note: For accurate measurements, apply the cuff tightly and measure on a bare wrist
How to Take Accurate Measurements
• Remain still and keep quiet during measurement.
• Sit down in a comfortable position. Place your elbow on a table with your palm facing upward and the
cuff is at the same level as your heart.
• Relax for about five to ten minutes before measurement. If you are excited or depressed by emotional
stress, the measurement will reflect this stress as a higher (or lower) than normal blood pressure
reading and the pulse reading will usually be faster than normal.
• Try to measure your blood pressure at about the same time every day.
• An individual’s blood pressure varies constantly, depending on what they are doing, what they have
eaten and what they drink can have a very strong and rapid effect on your blood pressure.
• Do not measure immediately after physical exercise or a bath. Rest for twenty or thirty minutes before
taking the measurement.
• Do not cross your legs. Keep your feet flat on the floor and straighten your back.
• This device bases its measurements on the heartbeat. If you have a very weak or irregular heartbeat,
the device may have difficulty determining your blood pressure.
About 1 cm