Host R Command:
R or r
- This command tells the
Module to receive a new set point. Four
characters must be sent and one of these characters is always a decimal point.
If the set point does not fill all four characters trailing zeroes are added. A crc
is added if error checking is enabled, otherwise it is not sent. If the command
is not recognized “Bad Command” is returned.
An example of a valid command to a unit with address >:
> > R 1.00 crc CR
> > r 1.00 crc CR
An example of an invalid command to a unit with address r:
> r W 1.00 crc CR
The reply format is:
#Bad Command crc CR
If the command is not received no response is sent. The module sends “OK”
if the command was received and understood.
The reply format is:
#OK crc CR
Host C Command:
C or c -
This command tells the
Module to enter calibration mode.
Calibration instructions are sent to the terminal display. See Calibrating the
Module for calibration procedure. If the command is received and understood
the unit enters calibration mode.
An example of a valid command to a unit with address @:
> @ C crc CR
> @ c crc CR
If the command is not recognized “Bad Command” is returned.
An example of an invalid command to a unit with address @:
> @ q crc CR
The reply format is:
#Bad Command crc CR
Host G Command:
G or g -
This command tells the
Module to accept a global command. This
is included for compatibility with the RS-485 version of this unit. The syntax is
the same as the R command except the address is 0 and no response is sent
by the module.
An example of a valid command is:
> 0 G crc CR
> 0 g c crc CR