CAN and Digital Input Controls
A five wire connector connects to the charger for interfacing with the BMS. Three wires have a
white connector attached, these three wires are the CAN interface. The other two wires are labeled
“+ 12V” and “- 12V”, these wires are the digital input used to control the charger from the BMS
CPU. Connect the “+ 12V” to the OV connection on the BMS CPU and the “- 12V” to the GND
connection on the BMS CPU.
The BMS CPU will output a 12 volt signal from the “OV” terminal whenever a pack normal
situation is detected. During charging if a cell exceeds the maximum voltage limit this will drop to
0 volts which will trigger the charger to temporarily pause charging until the high voltage cell can
return to a normal voltage. All green LED’s on the charger will flash when this occurs.