To select the temperature level is necessary to push the
buttons ↓ e ↑, instead to vary the temperature value it is
necessary to push + e –.
On the right side of the screen is shown the relative
position of the current setpoint temperature value with
respect to minimum values (5 °C) and maximum value
(30 °C).
The higher temperature is associated with T3 and the
lowest temperature with T0, the chronothermostat
meets the following constraint: T0 ≤ T1 ≤ T2 ≤ T3 and
automatically resizes the temperatures.
Choosing the option “Day program” you enter in the
following screen.
At the top of the screen you select the day, and at the
bottom of the screen displays the day program.
Pressing the + and - buttons you can select the day.
For example, suppose you want to program the day
“Monday”, pressing OK button you enter the scheduling
of time slots.
The time slots are programmed in three steps: initial
time, temperature and final time.
In the first step is set the starting time by pushing the +
and - buttons at intervals of at least 15 minutes and you
confirm pushing OK.
However, if you want to quit the programming of the
selected day, push ESC.
In case it is already active the automatic mode, it is
indifferent push NO or OK.
This section describes the submenu “SETTING MENU”
This submenu allows you to manage temperature
control environment, the weekly program, the time
setting and the language choosing.
Selecting the option “Programming” you enter in weekly
program dedicated submenu.
Choosing the option “Temperature” you enter in the
screen setting of the four temperature levels T0, T1, T2
and T3.