5.5 CI menu
The MyM Pro 3T contains 2 CI (Common
Interface) and MyM Pro 6T contains 4 CI
(Common interface). [CI-1] decrypts
services for output CH-1 and CH-2. The
[CI-2] decrypt services for output
In MyM Pro 6T [CI-3] decrypt services
for CH-4 and CH-5 and [CI-4] decrypt
service for CH-6In menu you get
information about CAM and card.
In the Advanced settings menu you can
change timing settings for the used
CAM if there is a need for changing
that. After a change is made the
[Save] button must be clicked. If
changes are made and does not work,
you can get the default settings again
by a click on the [Reset] button and a
click on the [Save] button.
NOTE! If one change CAM to
another CA system (i.e. from NDS to
Conax) the unit needs to be
Decryption may take
some seconds before it starts.
5 Menus and settings (continued)