LX - 38973 - 09/07
LX - 38973 - 09/07
daTa revieW in MeMOry
4. To review 1 day, 7 day, 14 day, and 30 day average results, press the Mode
5. If there are less than 2 test results in memory, the screen displays 000, if no results the screen displays
3 dashes.
6. After reviewing the 30 day average, press the Mode
button to shut off the meter, or press no buttons
and the meter will turn off automatically after 30 seconds.
When the meter memory is full (400 test results), each new test result stored in memory will remove the
oldest test result stored in memory.
daTa ManaGeMenT S�OFTWare
Glucose results stored in the GlucoMen
LX meter’s memory can be also downloaded using a dedicated
cable and filed by using Dialogue
software.These are supplied separately.
The Dialogue
software minimum requirements are shown on the software packaging.
For further information on these products or ordering information call the Menarini Helpline:
(UK) 0800 243667 - (Ireland) 1800 709903.