19. Now insert and cam in place the larger of the 2 outboard ribs and then the smaller. If you look in the
sail, you can see the aluminum stop that they go against. Keep the sail aligned at the rear.
20. Next, cam in place the inboard ribs moving from the spoiler arm rib inward. The technique is shown
above. Seal the sail Velcro behind as you go by gently lifting the flap and smoothing the sail Velcro.
Remember that if you pull the sail on the top to smooth it, you may just transfer a wrinkle to the bottom.
The sail will lay smooth on both sides if it's properly in place with the same tension at all points. The fish
cams should be firmly in place, but there is no advantage, and only more wear if they are over-tensioned.
Now perform all the same steps to the right wing.
21. Pull the flap pins down and away from the keel in order to get enough room to insert the flap pins into
the tabs on the flaps themselves. The above pictures show the sequence.
22. Secure the tail plane in place by placing the tail wings on the carbon spar and then running the
threaded bolt through to the assembly on the keel. The bolt should be tightened snugly with the Allen
wrench on the end of cam tool.
23. Stow the padded keel sleeve and tail bag. Place the nose cone securely in place aligning the upper
and lower Velcro.
24. The last step is to insert the spoiler wire ends into the control frame and insert the pip pins. Slide the
rubber bungee over the pip pins to insure they remain in place and clean up the aerodynamics.
Preflight Check
Accomplish the pre-flight check after each setup extremely conscientiously! Even if only one
point of the check is forgotten, this can have dangerous consequences!
Make your process standard:
It's best to begin from the nose of the aircraft and make one completely
circle. Check each of the following and each step you performed in setting up the glider.
1. Pip Pin's in the control frame corner must be secured with the rubber covers.