After adjusting the spoiler rope
examine and adjust the stopper rope (see below).
Adjustment and function of stopper rope
The stopper rope is in place to maintain small loads at the spoiler rib and spoiler lever. The maximum
excursion of the spoilers is 80° and is limited by a rope connection between the spoiler rope and an
anchor on from blowing over on it's back should you forget the bungie. The function of the stopper rope
should be checked before each flight by lifting the nose of the glider while moving the control frame a full
excursion of the spoiler in each direction. Also look into the sail and observe that the stopper rope is free
of the d-cell. This can happen in a hard landing or by the force of your body in turbulent flight. The spoiler
is attached to the spoiler lever arm with a bungie while a short, light weight line stops the spoiler knotted
securely. After the first few hours of operation it will possibly require adjustment as the knots tighten.
Replacement of the spoiler rope and the nose wire/rope
The spoiler rope should be replaced at the earlier of 200 hours, the biannual inspection, or obvious wear.
The nose wire/rope (it passes through the keel front and between the two side wires) must be exchanged
all 100 flying hours, the biannual inspection, or any single strand break and should be examined before
each flight for wear. Originally the ATOS models C, V, VX, and early VR, were shipped with a 2mm
stainless wire. It was replaced with a 2.5mm zinc coated steel wire when premature wear was observed.
As of October of 2005, a Dynema rope has been certified by DHV. Testing has shown it not only to
exceed the strength requirements, but is far superior in wear and does not exhibit undesirable failure
Examine the pulleys
The pulleys are to be checked regularly for wear. The pulleys must be low-friction.
Examination of the ribs and rib connections
The ribs can be examined visually and mechanically. Lightly squeezing the rib sides with thumbs and
index fingers can easily detect a soft place in the laminate. Further testing of the rib and the connection
points at the D-cell can be checked by applying a light up and down force (5 lbs. To the end of the rib in
its extended position. The rib to which the spoiler lever is attached, should be checked and all ribs every
50 hrs.
Ribs and wing tip
After a landing, in which a wing tip contacts the ground, the wing tip and the outside ribs are to be
checked for damage.
Main pins
The main pins should be dismantled and re-greased after 100 flying hours or after 50 flights.
The D-cell should be examined anytime there's been large mechanical loads (hard landings) or suspicion
of inappropriate transport. Within the area of the nose this can be examined with the thumbs. A soft place,