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Short description
changeover switch is
designed to transfer loads automatically
an microprocessor based PC class device
and manually from one power source to another in a wide variety of 1-3 phase applications.
The unit monitors 3-phase normal and reserve source voltages, sends remote start command to the
generating set and performs changeover switching between those 2 sources connecting the load circuits to a
power source having voltage and frequency within preset limits.
Device has a manual load switch lever, a manual/auto mode switch and a mechanical locking switch.
Inputs and outputs: fire linkage control, generator remote start, external indicators.
The front panel leds provide information about mains and generator power availability as well as a current
switch position.
The device display control panel shows device current state and source voltages and frequences and can be
placed on the switch front side or in a distance of 1-3 meters from the device via standard Ethernet cable.
Power source voltage/frequency limits, transfer/start/stop delays, generator exerciser schedule and transfer
modes are front panel configurable.
Note: The delays apply in case if the device is connected to 24VDC auxiliary power supply only.
• High density silver-alloy contacts providing thousands operating cycles at 100% rated load;
• Bridge type double break design not requiring special SCPD and matching AC-33B requirements;
• Optimized magnetic blow-out arc extinquish system allowing to reach 10le capacity;
• Multi-mode operation including manual transfer, automatic transfer with/without autorecovery and
generator control under various configuration settings;
• 3 working positions: main power ON - backup power OFF; main power OFF - backup power ON; main and
backup power OFF;
• Microprocessor controlled operations;
• Reliable mechanical interlock and electric interlock;
• "Zero Position" technology. Device can be set to Zero Position under emergency situations with two way
power supply cut off meeting the fire fighting linkage requirements;
• Singleness motor drive providing smooth, reliable, low noise operation;
• Driving motor energized during switching operations only and having outstanding energy saving;
• Mechanical interlock, making sure that the Normal power and Reserve Power sources work without
• Distinct ON and OFF positions and activity indicators;
• Electromechanical integration design with accurate changeover adopting an advanced logical control
technology and high anti-interference ability;
• Easy installation using control circuit plug type terminal connections.
1-3 Phase, 230/400VAC, 50/60Hz
Automatic Transfer Switch