Gate Outputs (EOR/EOF/Half-Rise)
Each channel has a two gate outputs: End-of-Fall (EOF), and either End-of-Rise (EOR) or Half-Rise. A jumper
selects the latter (see photos below for location of jumpers).
End-of-Rise outputs a gate that goes high when the fall segment begins, and goes low when the
envelope completes. It is low during a sustain segment. The jack will stay low when the envelope is not
running. Another name for this jack might be "Envelope is Falling". See figure 10a.
End-of-Fall outputs a gate that goes high when the fall segment ends and goes low when a rise segment
ends. It is low during a sustain segment. It will stay high when the envelope is not running. Another
name for this jack might be "Envelope is Rising or Resting". See figure 10b.
Half-Rise outputs a gate that goes high when 50% of the envelope's rise time has elapsed. It goes low
when 50% of the fall time has elapsed. It is high during a sustain segment, and stays low when the
envelope is not running.
While the Curve and Scale parameters have no effect on the gate outputs, Skew has a big effect:
Skew changes the pulse width of EOF and EOR. Turning Skew to the right (more CV) creates longer
EOR pulses and shorter EOF pulses. To the left, we get shorter EOR and longer EOF pulses.
The width of the Half-R pulse is always 50% of the envelope time. Changing the Skew will change
the phase of the Half-R output. See figure 10c.
Red channel Half-Rise jumper installed. Remove
jumper for EOR.
Factory setting is removed
Blue channel Half-Rise jumper installed. Remove
jumper for EOR.
Factory setting is installed
Figure 10a: End-of-Rise (EOR)
aka "Is Falling"
Figure 10b: End-of-Fall (EOF)
aka "Is Rising or Resting"
Figure 10c: Phase-shifting Half-R
Yellow trace is EOF, Blue is Half-R.
Skew knob being turned slowly.
Notice the phase shift from 180 to
almost 0 degrees, relative to the
rising edges.
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