Ping Divider/Multiplier
Once a ping time has been established, you can then divide or multiply it from 1/8th the speed to 8 times the
speed, in whole number increments. The resulting clock is called the "Divided/Multiplied Ping Clock", or just
"Ping Clock" for short.
The Ping button flashes to the rate of the Divided/Multiplied Ping Clock
The Ping Div/Mult knob sets the amount of multiplication or division of the incoming ping time, along with
any CV that's applied to the Div jack (the knob sets the offset for the CV)
Changing the Div/Mult amount in the middle of an envelope will have no effect until a ping clock is
received, or the divided ping clock timing period renews, or the envelope starts a new rise/fall segment.
See Figure 1A.
Giving a pulse to the QNT jack will force an update of the div/mult amount immediately (in the middle of
a curve if necessary). If you hold a gate high on the QNT jack, the div/mult amount will track the CV
(glitchy envelope shapes can be obtained this way!)
See Figure 1B.
When the Div/Mult amount changes, the PEG has to compensate the envelope in order to maintain
timing. A partial envelope may be generated after the div/mult amount changes in order to insure that
subsequent envelopes are synced to the ping clock.
See Figure 2.
Figure 1A: Changing Div/Mult (with no gate on QNT)
Notice the envelopes always start on the ping clock's
rising edge
Figure 1B:
Changing Div/Mult while holding a gate
high on QNT
Slope of envelope changes each time the Div/Mult
CV/knob moves to a new div amount
Figure 2: Changing Div/Mult causes "catchup" partial
envelope. Change occurred from x4 to /4, in the
middle of second "high" portion of the ping clock.
New envelope re-syncs abruptly on the following
ping clock.
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