Basic features:
Connects to QCD module with a 16-conductor ribbon cable (included)
When connected to a QCD, the following features are added to each QCD channel:
Multi-mode clock output (INV OUT) is the same tempo as the QCD's OUT jack
Switch for selecting mode of the INV OUT jack:
Delayed Trigger mode (left)
Inverted Gate mode (center)
Shuffle mode = d original trigger (right)
Knob for controlling amount of trigger delay, as well as pulse width of the main QCD output
CV jack for controlling trigger delay and pulse width using another channel or external CV
Attenuverter knob for Gate PW/Trig Delay CV jack (controls the amount the signal on the jack effects the
Attenuverter knob for Div/Mult CV jack (on the main QCD module)
LED brightness can be adjusted from the front panel
Controls and jacks:
INV OUT jack (each channel)
+5V trigger (5ms) or +5V gate output. See Mode Switch, below
Runs at the same Div/Mult tempo as the main QCD output, but may be delayed, inverted and/or shuffled.
Three-position Mode Switch (each channel)
Only effects the INV OUT jack on the Expander (no effect on the main QCD output)
Left = Delayed Trigger mode
Center = Inverted Gate mode
Right = Shuffle mode (d undelayed), effectively doubles the tempo
Trigger Delay (Pulse Width) big knob, attenuverter, and jack:
Depending on the Mode Switch, either trigger delay time or pulse width is controlled
Pulse width of the main QCD output is
effected (no matter what mode the expander is in)
The big knob sets the amount of delay time or pulse width
The signal on the CV jack is variably attenuated and/or inverted using the attenuverter
The attenuverted CV and big knob's setting are added together
Attenuverter for Div/Mult CV
Variably attenuates and/or inverts the signal on the Div/Mult CV jack on the main QCD module
LED dimmer
The small hole at the bottom is for adjusting the LED brightness. A tiny phillips screwdriver can be inserted
through the panel to adjust the brightness. See section later in the manual for details
12 HP Eurorack format module
0.98” (25 mm) maximum depth
+12V rail:
44mA max,
+5V rail
not used,
-12V rail:
30mA max