C o p y r i g h t ©
4I P N E T , I N C . A l l r ig h ts r es er v ed .
4ipnet WHG30 1
Q u ic k I ns ta l l a tio n Gu id e
W H G 30 1 S e c u r e W L A N C o n t r o l l e r
H a rd wa re I n sta l l a tio n
Please follow the following steps to install WHG301:
1. Connect the 12V power adapter to the power socket on the rear panel. The Power LED should be on to
indicate a proper connection.
2. Connect an Ethernet cable to the WAN1 Port on the front panel. Connect the other end of the Ethernet
cable to an xDSL/cable modem, or a switch/hub on the LAN of a company/organization. The LED of this
port should be on to indicate a proper connection.
3. Connect an Ethernet cable to one of the LAN1~LAN8 Ports on the front panel. Per your needs, connect the
other end of the Ethernet cable to an administrator PC for configuring the WHG301 system, an AP for
extending wireless coverage, a switch for connecting more wired clients, or a client PC. The LED of the
connected port should be on to indicate a proper connection.
WHG301 supports Auto Sensing MDI/MDIX. You may use either a straight-through or a cross-over
Ethernet cable to connect the Ethernet port.