Hacousto Holland bv
Industrieweg 87
2651BC Berkel & Rodenrijs
IMPACT reference system manual (Typical )
Design revision:
Where do I start?
First, make sure that you are officially allowed to access the hardware of Compact 500 & Impact system
This is usually the case if:
you are an authorized representative of 4EVAC;
you have been trained by 4EVAC or one of its authorized representatives for installation, service
and commissioning of Compact 500 & Impact Voice Evacuation Systems.
Unauthorized hardware and/or software modifications are against the law and outside of the
manufacturer’s responsibility. If you have doubts about your status and access level permissions, please
contact the 4EVAC main office.
Important note: Access level 3 explanation
Opening the device housing or tampering with network
cabling is restricted. This gives access to all interfaces, internal
system connections and sensitive hardware settings that are of
high importance to system operation mode, hardware reliability
and safety (Access Level 3 according to EN54-16, Annex A). This
access level (and higher) is strictly protected by the manufacturer
and reserved only for service personnel which is trained, approved
and officially certified by the manufacturer. Any actions carried out
in Access Level 3 without the manufacturer’s explicit approval may
lead to incorrect settings or hardware damage, causing serious
system malfunctions, and therefore are strictly prohibited and void
manufacturer’s warranty.
Configuration settings
Settings for the Impact system are included in the configuration file located on the micro SD memory card
installed in the Impact CONTROLLER unit. The configuration file includes user-defined settings, such as:
Definition of system components connected to one network,
Input / output surveillance settings,
Zone settings
Audio messages
Events, etc.
The configuration file should be prepared in the 4EVAC Manager. 4EVAC Manager is GUI software running
on Windows OS. All configuration settings are explained in the manual “4EVAC Manager guide”.
Please make sure that configuration file is prepared with the version of 4EVAC Manager
compatible with current firmware of your Impact system.
The installation file of the latest 4EVAC Manager and the manual are available at our