If you place your foot in its proper position for
cycling, your leg should now be lightly bent.
Your foot is in the right position for cycling
when its widest part is right above the pedal
Children and people who are not
confident cyclists should be able to
touch the ground with the tips of both
feet. Otherwise, when stopping they run the
risk of falling and suffering serious injury.
If you are using clipless pedals, the pedal plates
should be adjusted so as to ensure your foot is in
this position. This prevents damage to your mus-
culoskeletal system and ensures the best pos-
sible delivery of power.
Patented seat post with two-screw locking mechanism
Patented seat post with one-screw locking mechanism
Attachment with seat clamp
Setting up the angle of the seat
When you have set the height of the seat, you
have to check that the angle of the seat is suit-
able. In general, the upper surface of the seat
should be horizontal. You can adjust this by loos
ening the clamping bolts in the seat post.
* see page 26
Suspension seat post
Integrated Seatpost
If your bicycle is equipped with a so-called in-
tegrated seatpost or a seatpost with integrated
fixture for operation and adjustment please read
the enclosed instructions from the respective
Before you start riding, please test
to see if your seat post and seat
are secure. To do this, grab the
seat at the front and back and attempt to
turn it. It should not move.
7,5 cm