H.264 Video Server
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For a dynamic IP, you need to update the IP address every time when you connect to the
camera via internet. This setting allows you to update the IP address by automatic
notification of IP address change.
Select one of the following three notice options to update the IP address:
SMTP Notification
SMTP Notification:
notification via SMTP mail server
SMTP SendTo:
the recipient, i.e. [email protected]
SMTP Subject:
mail subject
FTP Notification
FTP Server:
FTP Server name.
FTP Port:
FTP port. The default setting is 21 (recommended).
FTP Upload path:
The path to upload files.
FTP Login name:
The name to log in the FTP.
FTP Login Password: The password to log in the FTP.
HTTP Notification
The address of the server, i.e. http://.
The port to access HTTP. The default setting is 80 (recommended).
Parameter: The setting of the parameters, refer to the installation setting of your HTTP
Refer to the installation setting of your HTTP server for the setting of the parameters
(such as Username, Password, and Proxy).