H.264 Video Server
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Alarm Input
The external device connects one for the Alarm Input (A), and the other for Alarm Input (K).
Due to S2071/S4071 has the protection mechanism, obtain the power supply for your alarm
equipment by connecting from Pin 09 and Pin 10.
The Pin 09 and Pin 10 can only provide the 100mA power to other device.
If the devices need to get the more power from , it will shut down or broke.
Alarm Output
The external device connects one for Alarm Output (N.C.) or Alarm Output (N.O.), and the
other for Alarm Output (COM).
Connect the power adapter through COM to provide electric power. The alarm output will
work on while any event has triggered.
After the alarm device setup is finish up please refer to the chapter of
Application Setting >
Event > Trigger
to enable the function.
PTZ (Speed Dome)
S2071/S4071 can support the PTZ camera to install. Attach the control line to RS485
connecter first, and set up the analog camera. Please make reference to the chapter of
Hardware Installation for the detailed installation description.
It supports two type of protocol: Pelco P and Pelco D.