3onedata Technology Co., Ltd
need combine setting.
[Local port]
NP301 provide TCP port can be connect by other TCP/IP node, the TCP port have the relationship with the
NP301’s relevant seial interface.
The figure as follows is TCP Server setting interface, Session 1 set local port is 30000, external TCP port
connect NP301through this port. Connection keep-alive time is 300 second
Click “Submit”, setting
successful as figure 5.7.
Figure 5.7
Under the UDP work mode. NP301 is server and also client, the relavant setting is “Local port”,
“Destination address” and “Destination port”. It can support point to point and multicast UDP, setting method is
the same as TCP.
TCP Auto
In this Mode, serial device server can act as server or client. Before setting this Mode, please ensure related
parameters are correct when you turn on the server mode, client mode is automatically disconnected.
RealCom Mode support TCP Server
UDP and TcpAuto these 3 types
Choose "open" or "close" to enable
this function under RealCom. After opening RealCom, users can make connection through Windows Hyper
Terminal. Generally RealCom need to open.
Figure 5.8